Monotone Theme Maker for Quarto


Monotone Theme Maker for Quarto


  path_scss = NULL,
  font_title = "Josefin Sans",
  font_text = "Montserrat",
  font_code = "Fira Code",
  font_sans = "Noto Sans",
  google_fonts = NULL,
  size_font_h1 = "1.6em",
  size_font_h2 = "1.3em",
  size_font_h3 = "1.15em",
  size_font_h4 = "1.0em",
  color_base = "#009F8C",
  color_accent = "#B75C9D",
  color_text = "#272822",
  color_link = "#B75C9D",
  color_bg = "#ffffff",
  color_code = "#009F8C",
  color_code_block_border = "#93a1a1",
  size_base = 20,
  font_text_table = NULL,
  size_font_table = "0.9em",
  width_table = "80%",
  add_recommended_scss = TRUE,
  table_engine = "gt"


path_scss Path of scss
font_title Title font
font_text Text font
font_code Code font
font_sans An unicode font for tables
google_fonts Google font names. These fonts will be imported in quartomonothemer.scss
size_font_h1 Font size for h1
size_font_h2 Font size for h2
size_font_h3 Font size for h3
size_font_h4 Font size for h4
color_base Base color
color_accent Accent color
color_text Text color
color_link Link color
color_bg Background color
color_code Code color
color_code_block_border Color of Code block border
size_base Base font size for the ggplot2 theme
font_text_table Base font size for gt table
size_font_table Table text font
width_table Table width (Default: 80%)
add_recommended_scss Add a recommended SCSS settings (Default: TRUE)
table_engine Table engine. Currently only supports "gt" (Default: "gt")



    font_title = "Roboto",
    font_text = "Roboto Condensed",
    google_fonts = c("Roboto", "Roboto Condensed")