Notebook coding (Jupyter, Rmarkdown, and Quarto) has gotten popular in the last decade. It allows us to tell a story with code and data, and it makes scientific communication more transparent and reproducible. I use Quarto to share my current results with my supervisor and coauthors, especially when I am in the playground stage of the project.
While it is naturally useful in that it is an easy tool for creating reports, exploiting its HTML feature, we can enrich communication even further. Here, I introduce my use case of GIF and Observable JS for economic models with Julia.
Imagine that you are working on a very simple life-cycle model:
See? This is very intuitive and informative! But if you are interested in the changes with multiple parameters, you may want to try Observable JS.
Observable JS
Observable is a JavaScript notebook that allows us to create interactive visualizations. It is free and open-source, and we can embed it in our Quarto document. Since the Observable is JavaScript-based, we can put an interactive (dynamic) visualization in static HTML documents!
For example, you are now interested in the changes in the value function with \(r\) and \(w\). To implement it in Observable, we first need to create a CSV file1 that contains the results of the simulation.
functionsolve_partial(r, w) m =Model(r = r, w = w) V =solve(m)return [ (x = x, ie = iₑ, t = t, V = V[iₓ, iₑ, t], r = m.r, w = m.w) for (iₓ, x) ∈enumerate(m.x_grid) for (iₑ, e) ∈enumerate(m.e_grid) if iₑ ∈ [1, 5, 10] for t ∈1:m.T ]endres =Iterators.flatten([solve_partial(r, w) for r ∈0.01:0.02:0.15 for w ∈2.0:0.5:10.0])df =DataFrame(res)d =Dict(1=>"e₁", 5=>"e₅", 10=>"e₁₀")df.lbl = [d[i] for i in]CSV.write("data.csv", df);
This CSV file is then loaded in Observable and filtered by the parameters.2
data =FileAttachment("data.csv").csv()filtered = data.filter(function(sim) {return sim.r== r && sim.w== w && sim.t== t})
Adding sliders and a plot, we have a cool interactive visualization!
viewof t = Inputs.range( [1,10], {value:1,step:1,label:"t"})viewof r = Inputs.range( [0.01,0.15], {value:0.07,step:0.02,label:"r"})viewof w = Inputs.range( [2.0,10.0], {value:5.0,step:0.5,label:"w"})
You can use CSV, TSV, JSON, Arrow (uncompressed), and SQLite as data input. See Data Sources↩︎
While the parameters r, w, and t are defined in the next cell, the order of the Observable JS cells do not change the results.↩︎
Source Code
---title: "Scientific Communication with Quarto: Economic Models"date: 2023-06-10last-updated: last-modifiedauthor: Kazuharu Yanagimotocategories: [Julia, Observable JS, Quarto]image: "img/anim.gif"twitter-card: image: "img/anim.gif"execute: warning: false message: falseformat: html: code-fold: true code-tools: true---## Quarto Is not Just for Static ReportsNotebook coding (Jupyter, Rmarkdown, and Quarto) has gotten popular in the last decade.It allows us to tell a story with code and data, and it makes scientific communication more transparent and reproducible.I use Quarto to share my current results with my supervisor and coauthors,especially when I am in the playground stage of the project.While it is naturally useful in that it is an easy tool for creating reports,exploiting its HTML feature, we can enrich communication even further.Here, I introduce my use case of GIF and Observable JS for economic models with Julia.Imagine that you are working on a very simple life-cycle model:For $t = 1, \dots, T$, households solve$$V(t, e, x) = \max_{c, x'} \frac{c^{1 - \sigma}}{1 - \sigma} + \beta \mathbb{E}V(t + 1, e', x')$$$$\begin{aligned}c + x' &\le (1 + r)x + ew \\\text{Pr}(e' | e) &= \Gamma(e) \\c, x' &\ge 0\end{aligned}$$See the following code for the parameters and the solution algorithm.```{julia}using QuantEconusing Plotsusing LaTeXStringsusing CSVusing DataFrames@kwdef struct Model # Grid for x nₓ::Int = 30 x̲::Float64 = 0.1 x̄::Float64 = 4.0 x_grid::Vector{Float64} = range(start = x̲, stop = x̄, length = nₓ) # Grid for e: parameters for Tauchen nₑ::Int = 10 σ_ε::Float64 = 0.02058 λ_ε::Float64 = 0.99 m::Float64 = 1.5 mc::MarkovChain = tauchen(nₑ, λ_ε, σ_ε, 0.0, m) e_grid::Vector{Float64} = exp.(mc.state_values) P::Matrix{Float64} = mc.p # Utility function σ::Float64 = 2.0 β::Float64 = 0.97 T::Int = 10 # Prices r::Float64 = 0.07 w::Float64 = 5.0endu(c, m::Model) = isone(m.σ) ? log(c) : c^(1 - m.σ) / (1 - m.σ);function solve(m::Model) (; T, nₓ, nₑ, r, w, β, P, x_grid, e_grid) = m V = zeros(nₓ, nₑ, T) for t = T:-1:1, iₓ= 1:nₓ, iₑ = 1:nₑ utility = -Inf for iₓ′ = 1:nₓ expected = (t == T) ? 0.0 : sum(P[iₑ, iₑ′] * V[iₓ′, iₑ′, t+1] for iₑ′ = 1:nₑ) c = (1 + r) * x_grid[iₓ] + e_grid[iₑ] * w - x_grid[iₓ′] if c > 0 utility = max(u(c, m) + β * expected, utility) end end V[iₓ, iₑ, t] = utility end return Vendm = Model()V = solve(m);```A traditional way to show the value function is to plot for selected $e$ and $t$.```{julia}ps = []y̲, ȳ = minimum(V) * 1.1, maximum(V) + 0.1for (i, t) ∈ enumerate([1, 4, 7, 10]) p = plot(m.x_grid, V[:, 1, t], xlabel = "x", ylims = (y̲, ȳ), label = L"e_1", legend = :bottomright, title = "t = $t") plot!(m.x_grid, V[:, 5, t], label = L"e_5") plot!(m.x_grid, V[:, 10, t], label = L"e_{10}") push!(ps, p)endplot(ps...)```This is not bad, however, we can add more information by using GIF.## GIFWhile this is not so famous, we can create a GIF animation just by adding `@animate` macro in Julia.```{julia}#| label: thumbnail#| code-fold: showanim = @animate for t = 1:10 plot(m.x_grid, V[:, 1, t], xlabel = "x", ylims = (y̲, ȳ), label = L"e_1", legend = :bottomright, title = "t = $t") plot!(m.x_grid, V[:, 5, t], label = L"e_5") plot!(m.x_grid, V[:, 10, t], label = L"e_{10}")endgif(anim, "img/anim.gif", fps = 1)```See? This is very intuitive and informative!But if you are interested in the changes with multiple parameters, you may want to try Observable JS.## Observable JS[Observable]( is a JavaScript notebook that allows us to create interactive visualizations. It is free and open-source, and we can embed it in our Quarto document.Since the Observable is JavaScript-based, we can put an interactive (dynamic) visualization in **static** HTML documents!For example, you are now interested in the changes in the value function with $r$ and $w$.To implement it in Observable, we first need to create a CSV file^[You can use CSV, TSV, JSON, Arrow (uncompressed), and SQLite as data input. See [Data Sources](] that contains the results of the simulation.```{julia}#| code-fold: showfunction solve_partial(r, w) m = Model(r = r, w = w) V = solve(m) return [ (x = x, ie = iₑ, t = t, V = V[iₓ, iₑ, t], r = m.r, w = m.w) for (iₓ, x) ∈ enumerate(m.x_grid) for (iₑ, e) ∈ enumerate(m.e_grid) if iₑ ∈ [1, 5, 10] for t ∈ 1:m.T ]endres = Iterators.flatten([solve_partial(r, w) for r ∈ 0.01:0.02:0.15 for w ∈ 2.0:0.5:10.0])df = DataFrame(res)d = Dict(1 => "e₁", 5 => "e₅", 10 => "e₁₀")df.lbl = [d[i] for i in]CSV.write("data.csv", df);```This CSV file is then loaded in Observable and filtered by the parameters.^[While the parameters `r`, `w`, and `t` are defined in the next cell, the order of the Observable JS cells do not change the results.]```{ojs}//| code-fold: showdata = FileAttachment("data.csv").csv()filtered = data.filter(function(sim) { return sim.r == r && sim.w == w && sim.t == t})```Adding sliders and a plot, we have a cool interactive visualization!```{ojs}//| panel: inputviewof t = Inputs.range( [1, 10], {value: 1, step: 1, label: "t"})viewof r = Inputs.range( [0.01, 0.15], {value: 0.07, step: 0.02, label: "r"})viewof w = Inputs.range( [2.0, 10.0], {value: 5.0, step: 0.5, label: "w"})``````{ojs}Plot.plot({ marginLeft: 50, height: 400, color: {domain: ["e₁", "e₅", "e₁₀"], legend: true}, x: {domain: [0.0, 4.0]}, y: {domain: [-5.5, 0.0]}, marks: [ Plot.lineY(filtered, {x: "x", y: "V", stroke: "lbl"}), ]})```Happy Quarto life 🥂!